
Brand as River

A brand is like a river – a body of flowing water.

1. A river is constantly moving, changing, in a state of development, always in process, constantly being affected by, and affecting, it’s environment.

2. The same section of river will appear differently according to your view of it, depending on proximity, location or viewpoint.

3. However, a river is water, and the core properties of water remain the same – it is always wet, fluid, clear and liquid.

So why is brand like a river?

1. A brand never stays exactly the same, it is constantly moving, changing, in a state of development, always in process. It is constantly being affected by, and affecting, it’s environment (business, people, competition, markets, etc).

2. It can be viewed and perceived differently according to location or viewpoint (e.g. different countries, cultures and audiences), or even according to your personal, historical experience of that brand.

3. However, its core properties, such as the brand offering and purpose may change very little, if at all.

Don't think of your brand as something static, set-in-stone. Consider brand as river.

Image © Dennis Jarvis


The Third Wave


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